What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

After a kitchen fire at our business, SERVPRO was on the scene quickly making a plan to begin work. Carrie did a great job explaining what they were doing and what was going to happen. The crew did exactly what they said they were going to do and when they said they were going to do it. The smell was our biggest concern, but the machines they used removed the smell.

Heavy rain made its way into the finished lower level of our offices. SERVPRO got it dried out quickly with very little interference. I am very impressed with the work they did!

The bathroom floors and walls in our building were needing a deep cleaning. SERVPRO did a great job. The bathrooms look and smell so much better!

The carpets throughout our church were pretty dirty. We had SERVPRO clean them, and they did a great job! They even made sure to schedule it at a time that was convenient with our activities schedule!

A pipe broke at our office over the winter. Everything was soaked. Our plumber told us to call SERVPRO. They came in and started removing the water and putting their equipment throughout the building. It was dry in no time, and we got back to work in just a couple of days!

Our shop had a fire in the furnace room, making the whole place smell awful. There was a lot of soot, and the ceilings were horrible. We called Serve Pro and they came and actually cleaned the ceilings, walls, and everything!